XCHAIN Presentation

What is a XNetwork

XCHAIN is a revolutionary blockchain technology designed to offer unlimited performance, fast speeds, and seamless connectivity. Developed by a passionate group of programmers, the X smart chain employs advanced distributed ledger technology that can adapt to other blockchains, with a focus on high processing speed, low energy consumption, and reduced network fees. XCHAIN consists of 8 layers, each with specific responsibilities, and supports both Sidechain and Rollup technologies.

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Why choose XCHAINinfinity

QuantumSync Consensus Algorithm

XCHAIN is built on a proprietary 'QuantumSync' consensus algorithm, which is at the core of its design, ensuring minimized latency and maximized transaction throughput.

Multi-Layered Parallel Processing Architecture

XCHAIN features a multi-layered parallel processing architecture that is meticulously designed to optimize trading activities, enhancing speed and scalability.

State-of-the-Art Order Matching Engine

XCHAIN incorporates an advanced order matching engine that uses frequent batch auctions to ensure equitable pricing and reduce the potential for frontrunning.

Integrated Real-Time Price Oracles

XCHAIN has built-in price oracles that provide real-time asset pricing. Validators are required to participate as oracles, ensuring accurate and up-to-date market data.

X Net Chain Roadmap

XCHAIN Strategy and
Project Plan

Mar 5, 2022


Introduction to XCHAIN's 'QuantumSync' consensus and parallel processing architecture
Jun 20, 2022

Protocol Deep Dive

Examination of XCHAIN's operations on the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Core
Sep 10, 2022

QuantumSync Exploration

Understanding Dynamic Transaction Dissemination and Proactive Block Processing
Dec 15, 2022

Processing Techniques

Study of XCHAIN's Dynamic Transaction Processing and Market-Specific Parallelism
Mar 25, 2023

Oracle Mechanics

Overview of XCHAIN's real-time price oracles and validator responsibilities
Jul 5, 2023

Order Matching Engine

Dive into XLOBs, order types, and the order lifecycle on XCHAIN
Oct 10, 2023

Advanced Features

Review of order bundling, fee structures, and middleware solutions on XCHAIN

Read XCHAIN Documents

  • X Network
  • XCHAIN - L1.1
  • XCHAIN - L1.2
  • XCHAIN - L2.0